fluidized bed firing meaning in Chinese
- Guide for procurement of power station equipment - part 3 : boilers - section 3 : boilers with fluidized bed firing
电站设备的采购指南.第3部分:锅炉.第3节:有液化床点火的锅炉 - Guide for procurement of power station equipment - part 3 - 3 : boilers ; boilers with fluidized bed firing ; german version en 45510 - 3 - 3 : 1999
电厂设备采购指南.第3 - 4部分:锅炉.沸腾燃烧锅炉 - Guide for the procurement of power station equipment - boilers - boilers with fluidized bed firing - section 3 : boilers with fluidised bed firing
发电站设备采购指南.锅炉.流化床燃烧锅炉.第3节:流化床燃烧锅炉 - Water - tube boilers and auxiliary installations - part 16 : requirements for grate and fluidized bed firing systems for solid fuels for the boiler ; german version en 12952 - 16 : 2002